

An example of how EAL teachers help to raise comprehension of English information in Grade 1

Grade 1 recently completed a unit with the central idea: "Understanding weather allows us to make plans." As part of this unit, students inquired into different types of weather, weather measuring instruments, how choices for clothing and activities can be influenced by weather reports, and meteorology. In order to extend students' understanding of the central idea, teachers contacted a former meteorologist from the U.S. Navy, John Whelan, who helped the children understand how understanding weather patterns could influence the plans of such a large and global fleet. A date was set for the Grade 1 students to interview Mr. Whelan by Skype as a year group.


The Grade 1 Homeroom teachers and EAL teachers quickly realised that for ALL students (not only English Language Learners) to learn as much as possible from Mr. Whelan during this interview, they would have to be familiar with some important vocabulary and concepts that he was likely to use and discuss during this interview.

EAL teachers thought about the nature of the interview itself in order to decide what sort of strategy would be needed to help our Grade 1 students; they determined that taking part in and understanding the information that would be gained in an interview was in effect an exercise in comprehension. Teachers therefore decided to use a reading strategy known as an "Anticipation Guide" to help students prepare for the interview.

As students at this point had already done a lot of work with learning and using vocabulary about types of weather and weather instruments, the EAL teachers picked out important vocabulary that students would need to know in order to understand Mr. Whelan and his work such as: meteorologist, weather stations, navy, ships, submarines, satellites, and radar.  They then designed a very visual, discussion based Google Slides presentation that would help prepare students for the upcoming interview along with an Anticipation Guide designed to prompt students to engage with the above vocabulary.


Anticipation Guide for Presentation About John Whelan, Meterologist
Before viewing the Google Slides presentation, students were put in pairs. Each pair was instructed to read along as the EAL teacher read each statement and decide together whether or not the statement was true. Students were also asked to underline words that they were unsure of, and were assured that by the end of the presentation they would understand and be able to use each word. 

After students had heard and decided whether each statement was true or false, they showed with their bodies what they had decided about each statement by moving to a predetermined place in the classroom. This gave teachers a quick understanding of points that needed clarification during the Google Slides presentation. Students also shared their own understandings of the statements in a short class discussion in which some vocabulary was nearly completely explained. Then students viewed the Google Slides presentation, in which they consistently connected visual information with important vocabulary and concepts.

In previous and consecutive lessons, the EAL and Homeroom teachers reviewed with students how to form questions that must be answered with information other than yes or no and that must begin with "wh-question words". Students then came up with questions such as:

Questions students developed about weather...

More questions students developed about weather...

Students then practiced their questions which they would be able to ask Mr. Whelan on the day of the Skype interview. Overall, preparing for this interview gave students an authentic reason to comprehend information and learn and use new vocabulary related to weather, in order to speak with a REAL expert! 

The Skype Interview with John Whelan, Meteorologist

1 comment:

  1. There are different types of weather instrument like Wind Meter,Rain Gage, Radio with NOAA alert. This all instrument are use for different purpose.
    Weather Measuring Instruments


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